warning tape caution buried electric line below aluminium,detectable under ground

Diterbitkan oleh: viria asiva, 24 Feb, 2022
Rp 395,000
Rincian Iklan
  • AD ID 12737541
  • Lokalitas Jakarta, DKI Jakarta
  • Jenis Iklan Penawaran
  • Diterbitkan oleh Individual

Tulisan di pita: caution buried electric line below
Tape/pita berwarna dasar almunium
Garis printing kuning miring, dengan tulisan warna hitam.
Ukuran: 3 inch = 7,5 cm = 75 mm
Diameter 27 cm X 7,5cm
Warna tape : kuning silver
Panjang : 500 meter
Tebal : 0. 70 micron
Material almunium tape
Ready stock sesuai gambar

Bury Detectable Warning Tape over underground utility lines,gas pipes,communication cables and more to warn excavators and to prevent damage,service interruption or personal injury

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viria asiva
mall mega glodok kemayoran lantai groud floor block A10 no.1, Jakarta,
DKI Jakarta
Safety tips for Buyers
  • Make the payment only after you receive the item.
  • Always meet the seller at a safe location.
  • Do not pay until you have verified the item.
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